Available Courses
Angular -
- Why Angular 4?
- Understanding Angular Versions
- Understanding Angular 4
- Angular 4 Features
TypeScript and ECMAScript 6 (ES6) Fundamentals
- Classes
- ES Modules
- Arrow Functions
- Template Literals
- Scoping using Let and Const Keywords
- Spread Syntax and Rest Parameters
- Destructuring
- Decorators (JavaScript Aspect-Oriented Programming)
Angular 4 Basics
- Components
- Templates
- Modules
- Models
Template Syntax
- HTML in templates
- Interpolation
- Binding syntax
- Property binding
- Event binding
- Two-way data binding
- Attribute, class, and style bindings
- Built-in Directives
- Template Input Variables
- The NgSwitch Directives
- Template Reference Variables
- Input and output properties
- Template Expression Operators
- Pipe ( | )
- Safe Navigation Operator ( ?. )
- Implementing the Component Lifecycle Hook OnInit
- Component Communication
- Using a services to access data
- Using a service to encapsulate business logic
- Using a service to configure your application
- Using a service for logging
Dependency Injection
- Understanding Dependency Injection
- Angular’s Dependency Injection System
- Registering
- Injecting
- Hierarchical Injection
Template-driven Forms
- NgSubmit Directive
- FormsModule
- NgForm, NgModel, and NgModelGroup Directives
Validation Directives
- Displaying validation messages
- Styling validation messages
Communicating with the Server using the Http Service
- Deciding between Promises or Observables (RxJS)
- Making Http GET Requests
- Making Http POST and PUT Requests
- Issuing a Http DELETE Request
- WebSockets
- Importing the RouterModule and Routes
- Configuring Routes
- Displaying Components using a RouterOutlet
- Navigating with RouterLink and RouterLinkActive Directives or the Router
- Accessing parameters using ActivedRoute
- Organizing your code into Modules
- Tools: Jasmine, Karma
- Jasmine Syntax: describe, it, beforeEach, afterEach, matchers
- Setup and your First Test
- Testing Terminology: Mock, Stub, Spy, Fakse
- Angular Testing Terminology: TestBed, ComponentFixture, debugElement, async, fakeAsync, tick, inject
- Simple Component Test
- Detecting Component Changes
- Testing a Component with properties (inputs) and events (outputs)
- Testing a Component that uses the Router
- Testing a Component that depends on a Service using a Spy
- Testing a Component that depends on a Service using a Fake
- Testing a Service and Mocking its Http requests
- Testing a Pipe
- How to Prevent Cross-site Scripting (XSS)
- Trusting values with the DOMSanitizer
- HTTP Attacks
- Security Audits of Angular Applications
Advanced Components
- Component Styles using MetaData properties: Styles and StyleUrls
- Change Detection Strategies
- Component Lifecycle Hooks
Advanced Routing
- Lazy-loading Angular Modules
- Location Strategies
- Nested or Child Routes
- Route Guards
Advanced Dependency Injection
- Providers
- Using the @Optional and @Host Decorators
Model-driven Forms (Reactive Forms)
- ReactiveFormsModule
- AbstractControl, FormControl, FormGroup, and FormArray
- FormBuilder
- Validators
Attribute Directives
- Creating a custom Attribute Directive using ElementRef, Render
- Built-in Pipes: Using, Passing Parameters, Chaining
- Creating a custom Pipe using PipeTransform
- Understanding Pure and Impure Pipes
Creating, Building, and Deploying an Angular Application
- Manually
- Using the Angular CLI with Ahead-Of-Time (AOT) Compilation and Tree-Shaking (removing unused library code)